Wednesday, June 4, 2008

45-second delay when you run a full-text query

Microsoft Full-Text Engine for SQL Server (MSFTESQL) tries to load the word breaker related to the query which in turn requires an Internet connection

Also, MSFTESQL unloads a word breaker that is not been in use for 300 seconds to reduce resource consumption. Hence,from the next time that the work breaker is loaded, signature verification is required again.

SQL Server : GNE - General Network Error

Microsoft Support

Frozen rose + Hammer + Petals + Life

When your science teacher smashed a frozen rose with a hammer,
did you warm the petals to bring them back to life?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

SQL Server : Issue with OSQL.EXE when input file is more than 12 mb

My little experience with OSQL is very annoying especially when I gave a file of more than 10 mb as a input file.

The i/p file has just set of stored procedures with drop command to drop the proc if it exists then to create the proc. But, interestingly OSQL has dropped and recreated many procedure but failed to drop one particular proc but tried to create the new one and hence the issue.

I spent several hours goggling on Google to get the data around any internal buffer limit on OSQL but ended with no luck. But able to get rid of the error by changing the order of the procedures. Frankly I don't know why it is working but hoping for it to continue to work.

Script to execute a script with OSQL:-
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn>OSQL -n -S <> -U sa -P <> -d <> -i NewProcedures.sql -o Output.txt

Sunday, June 1, 2008

SQL Server: Index entry for rowID was not found in index ID 4, of table 2009058193, in database

The issue looks be an issue with collation of the restored data base.

Could you please verify the same and follow the instructions given in the URL to correct the issue:;en-us;822747

If this doesn't works then get the table name involved in the issue by running the query @ select * from sysobjects where id=@ID from error

Then run the DBCC checktable command on the table.

dbcc checktable ('@Table Name', REPAIR_FAST)